16.04.2020 Special Offers

Don’t Underestimate Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is like immunity. Without it, the whole system is at risk. We know this at 2N, but we haven’t told you very much about it. Visit the new Cybersecurity website and protect your system!

You might think that your installation isn’t a very interesting target for hackers. You are wrong. Cybersecurity is not only an issue facing banks. Whether you are responsible for a huge commercial building or a smaller apartment block, a cyberattack could be a risk to all your customers. We have therefore created a special Cybersecurity website where we explain more about security for our products. 

There is no guaranteed way to avoid cyberattacks. But by following certain procedures, we can reduce the risk considerably. We deal with this issue fully and have addressed the topic of cybersecurity in four areas: company identity, design and testing, personal data protection, and product and application security.

Everything begins with company values. We emphasize compliance with high ethical standards and stringently select our suppliers. Only by doing this can we make sure our products do not contain weak links that put the whole system at risk.

Our approach to cybersecurity is proactive, beginning right at the design stage of our products. We develop our products in line with international security standards (ISO 27001) and follow the principles of Secure by Design specification. Of course, we carefully test all our products before releasing them.

Your customers will certainly also be interested in learning how we protect their personal data. You can assure them that we only work with data we have obtained consent for. We do not share customer data with anybody. At the same time, we try to reduce the volume of data we receive. The cameras and microphones in our products only switch on when the customer determines, such as during a call.

Would you like more information about the areas of cybersecurity we address? Would you also like to know specifically how our IP products and applications are secured? Visit the new Cybersecurity website to learn all the details.

More about cybersecurity