The Importance of IEC 62443 Standard in the Elevator Industry


Lukáš Psota Lukáš Psota, 13. 06. 2024 | 5 min read


Let’s explore how the IEC 62443 Standard helps with cybersecurity and data protection. What is the standard, why is it important, and which 2N products are compliant with it? 


elevator modernization


In an era where cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, industries across the board are prioritizing secure communication and data protection. One crucial standard in this regard is IEC 62443, specifically designed for industrial automation and control systems (IACS) – and also including those used in elevators. 

For businesses in the elevator industry, understanding and adhering to this standard is paramount, particularly when it comes to the deployment of emergency communication devices.

What is IEC 62443?

IEC 62443 is a series of standards that provide a thorough framework for ensuring the security of industrial automation and control systems. It was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to address and mitigate risks associated with cybersecurity threats in industrial environments. The standard encompasses a wide range of guidelines, from general security policies to specific technical requirements for control systems.

Why Should the Elevator Industry Care About IEC 62443?

Elevator systems, like many other industrial control systems, are becoming increasingly interconnected. With the advent of smart buildings and IoT (Internet of Things) integration, elevators are no longer isolated mechanical systems; they are part of a larger, interconnected ecosystem. 

This connectivity, while beneficial, also exposes elevators to potential cybersecurity threats. That's why IEC 62443 is an important standard – it ensures that the communication and control components of elevators are developed to minimize the threats associated with unauthorized access to devices and cyber-attacks.

ASME A17.1 (which sets the fundamental safety requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of elevator systems) should also be considered alongside IEC 62443. Together, these standards create a robust safety and security protocol for elevator systems as they combine physical safety measures with advanced cybersecurity protections to ensure comprehensive risk mitigation in modern elevator operations.

What prioritizing IEC 62443 offers projects:

  1. Enhanced Security: By adhering to IEC 62443, elevator companies can demonstrate that their systems are designed to best protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cybersecurity threats. This is particularly important for emergency communication devices that handle sensitive information.
  2. Compliance and Trust: Regulatory compliance is becoming a critical requirement in many industries. Adhering to IEC 62443 demonstrates a commitment to security and can enhance the reputation and trustworthiness of elevator companies.
  3. Operational Continuity: Security breaches can lead to significant operational disruptions. Implementing IEC 62443 helps mitigate these risks, ensuring that elevator systems, particularly emergency communication devices, remain operational and reliable.
  4. Future-Proofing: As cybersecurity threats evolve, so do the standards and best practices. IEC 62443 is designed to be updated with emerging threats, ensuring that companies that adhere to it are better prepared for the future.

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Key Outcomes of IEC 62443 Relevant to Elevator Emergency Devices

Elevator emergency devices, such as gateways used for audio and text communication during emergencies, are critical components that must adhere to stringent security standards. IEC 62443 provides several key outcomes that are particularly relevant:

  1. Robust Access Control: Ensuring that only authorized personnel can access, and control elevator emergency devices is crucial. IEC 62443 outlines rigorous access control measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Secure Communication: The standard emphasizes the importance of secure communication channels. For elevator emergency devices, this means that all audio and text communications are encrypted and protected from interception or tampering.
  3. Incident Response: IEC 62443 includes guidelines for incident response, ensuring that in the event of a security breach, there are predefined protocols to mitigate the impact and restore normal operations swiftly.
  4. System Integrity: Maintaining the integrity of the emergency communication systems is vital. The standard provides measures to protect against malware, unauthorized software changes, and other threats that could compromise system integrity.

Which 2N Products are developed in compliance with IEC 62443-4-1?

Our dedication to transparency & security and commitment to information security management are reflected in our ISO 27001 certification. 

We design our products with security in mind from the outset, following the "secured by design" principle and the Axis ASDM (Axis Security Development Model) through which cybersecurity is considered throughout the entire device lifecycle, potential vulnerabilities are constantly verified, and test scenarios are prepared for the testing department. This approach ensures that our products are developed to be not only compliant with current security standards but are also robust against future threats.

In this respect, the IEC 62443 standard is also important for us. At 2N, we make sure that our products, such as the 2N EasyGate IP and 2N LiftGate, are developed in compliance with the requirements defined in IEC 62443-4-1. At the same time, we have also carried out our own evaluation of compliance with the 62443-4-2 standard for these products, the requirements of which we also meet.

  • 2N EasyGate IP: This device provides reliable voice and data communication, ensuring that emergency calls and messages are transmitted securely and efficiently.
  • 2N LiftGate: Designed specifically for elevator applications, 2N LiftGate ensures uninterrupted and secure communication in emergency situations.


The IEC 62443 standard is a critical component in the modern landscape of industrial automation and control systems. For the elevator industry, adherence to this standard is essential - particularly in emergency communication devices. It means that not only are your users and customers safer thanks to enhanced security, but you can also ensure operational continuity and regulatory compliance. 

By choosing products like 2N EasyGate IP and 2N LiftGate that are certified and compliant with IEC 62443-4-1, elevator companies can significantly enhance their security posture and ensure the safety and reliability of their systems. At 2N, our commitment to security, transparency, and trustworthiness makes us the ideal partner for your elevator communication needs.